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Lil Champagne Tease

Available to pony mares as well as full size mares

Lil Champagne Tease

Lil Champagne Tease is in the International Champagne Horse Registries Stallion Auction for 2010.  Please visit the ICHR website for more information.
The stallion auction is not set up yet so visit later to see the fine Champagne stallions offered at half the regular stud fee.  
I am offering a bonus to this auction and will pay the benefit auction stud fee to the ICHR myself (mare owner will still pay for mare care and any other incidental fees such as collection, shipping etc for shipped semen) if bred to any ICHR registered mare.  This auction is open to any mare of any breed.  See the website for details.

Studley has an excellent temperament to pass on

In the above photo, Studley has matured into a terrific stallion with a lot to offer to his foals.  This photo was taken in June 2008.

Studley - Spring 2010

Lil Champagne Tease, affectionately known as Studley here at home, is 10.2 hands.  He's registered with the International Champagne Horse Registry.

Studley's color is Amber Champagne Appaloosa.  His his base color is bay and he is homozygous for black (tested) .  He has one copy of the agouti gene so he can produce black or bay, and he has one copy of the champagne gene (tested) and is verified heterozygous for appaloosa (by offspring).

Lil Champagne Tease May, 2010

Studley came from registered Miniature Horse sire and dam but was oversized and therefore not registered in the miniature registries.  He is exactly what we were looking for in any pony type whether sport pony or gaited.......temperament, willingness, intelligence and conformation.   His color and classy looks are a bonus that he is passing on to his foals.

There are multiple registries that Studley's foals are eligible for. Studley's foals that are Champagne can be registered with ICHR.  Any foal by Studley and a Registered MFT mare will be eligible for registration in the new MFTPR (Missouri Foxtrotter Pony Registry).  I bred Studley to my Arabian mare and this foal will be registered with the AHA in the Half Arabian section as well as the Arabian Pony Registry and also the ICHR if the foal is Champagne.  The International Quarter Pony Registry is another direction his foals may be registered and Studley is being registered as a Show Pony with the WCMHR.  If you have any questions regarding other registries his foals are eligible for, please email. 

Click here to visit the website for the Arabian Pony Registry.

Click here to open the web page for the Official Rules for the Missouri Foxtrotting Pony Breed on the MFTHBA website.

Click here to go to the official website of the American Gaited Pony Registry (AGPR)

We don't consider our mules, horses and ponies a business, it's all pleasure.